My N600 Update Information

United States

Wanted to share some info on a friend's case I assisted with. Her father was born in Texas, raised in California. He married a Mexican citizen in Texas in 1992. My friend was then born in Mexico in 1993. She lived there with mother until age three then they moved to California. She was raised in California. Her parents then had two more daughters born in California. She graduated high school and was told that since she didn't have proof of citizenship that she'd have to pay out of state tuition, so she had to forego attending a four year school right out of high school despite being admitted to all the places she applied. They consulted an attorney who helped get her mother and her's status as permanent residents in 2012 - never telling her and her parents that there is a separate process for her since her father is and has always been a US citizen and her parents were married (in the US) before she was born. They paid for permanent resident filings and it so happened that in California AB540 allowed her to attend University at instate rates (even if it was still insanely expensive but I digress). We met and I learned of her situation and found it odd since the US constitution allows for citizenship by birth to a US parent so I began researching and let her know. She finally mustered up enough gumption to feel that it would be safe to apply for N600 given the current political climate against Mexican immigrants. I helped prepare the N600 and fee waiver. 

We included in N600
her father's original birth certificate, 
his California school transcripts (to prove that he had lived in the US for at least 5 years prior to her birth), 
a copy of the parents' marriage certificate from Texas, 
her original birth certificate from Mexico, 
a photocopy her California high school diploma, 
community college Associate's certificates, and 
a copy of her university Bachelor's degree (a University of California student), 
a photocopy of her green card, and 
a photocopy of her mother's green card. 
For the fee waiver, we submitted a letter from Medi-Cal. 

Timeline: Sent via USPS certified mail with return receipt on May 2, arrived to USCIS-Phoenix lockbox on May 5. Notice issued on May 21st that fee waiver was approved. It was then transferred to USCIS National Benefits Center on May 22. As of today, USCIS case status online says N600 was received on June 6.

Citizenship and Naturalization

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