Guestbook Entry for Arul Madavadiyan , United States

Guestbook Entry for Arul Madavadiyan , United States

Arul Madavadiyan
United States

My pleasant experience in summary and in little detail.


People at Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna are highly professional, very much detail oriented, easy to work with, very prompt and very nice people. They are always available and will stand up for you when required. This will be a very rare combination to find. They always prepare very convincing case and review the case in detail. I always believed that if my case is accepted by Mr. Rajiv, Mr. Mathew and Co, it will be very hard for anyone to reject the case.

Little in detail:

It all started in October 2005. My company asked me to find a lawyer to represent me for my GC process. I have a good friend/family that got GC thru (Mr. Rajiv Khanna handled his case. My friend assured me that Mr. Rajiv would go above and beyond to meet client's needs.). He referred us to I sent a mail to Mr. Suman has contacted me. When my HR wanted to talk to a lawyer, he referred us to Mr. Mathew Chacko. Mr. Mathew explained the process in detail. He was very descriptive and communicated everything very well to us. He is always patience even during his busy days such as 2007 July-Aug crazy time when everything became current. I am fortunate enough to get quick e-mail replies every time. When I had thoughts about Consular Processing, he explained to me all about consular processing and why one should opt for it or should not opt for it. His review on my I-485 are very much helpful.
One of the most memorable moments is this: my wife attended an interview in a company and they had hesitation about hiring her without Green Card. They always thought that the company has to sponsor her GC at some point in time and they were not ready for it. I told them it is not the case since she is a derivative applicant in my GC. They were not ready to buy it. They wanted to talk to my lawyer. When I requested Mr. Mathew, he was ready to talk and convince them. I am not sure if all the lawyers would do this kind of stuff. Thank you very much Mr. Mathew.

Another important player during my GC process is Ms. Richa Narang. She has done an incredible job of completing my PERM application on time that once I thought would nearly be impossible. Considering that we started our process very late in my 5th year, it is highly remarkable. We completed 6 days before my 5th year expired. She went thru the documents over and over, and helped preparing a very convincing case. I am highly impressed with her patience and prompt replies. She is easy to work with. She always let me know what she was doing for my case and why it is done this way. That gives me an idea about what is really going on with my case.

This is in contast with my previous attorney in my previous company. Thank you Ms. Richa.

I have not worked directly with Mr. Rajiv Khanna. But my case manager Ms. Richa was working with him for my PERM. He is a REAL expert in what he does. Mr. Rajiv really built a very strong case for my PERM. His inputs are priceless. I attended his conference call during July/August 2007 when USCIS opened and closed the door briefly. It provided lot of valuable information to me and to lot of immigrants that were eagerly waiting to apply for I-485. It is really a great gesture towards the people that were waiting to apply for I-485 during that time.

Thank you Mr. Rajiv

Others that helped me are Ms. Mohana, Ms. Prena etc. They are all very nice and easy to work with. They made sure my case was built in a convincing manner.

I will definitely comeback to Law Offices of Rajiv S. Khanna for my future immigration needs.

I have referred two of my friends to Immigration.Com so far. They all like the service. Please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer any questions about my experience.

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