USCIS Publishes E-Filing Steps for Representatives


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is moving from a paper-based model to a secure, online benefits processing environment. On May 22, 2012, USCIS launched the foundational release of our new system, the USCIS Electronic Immigration System (USCIS ELIS). This guide provides helpful information for attorneys and accredited representatives regarding new features of USCIS ELIS as of January 2013. To learn more about USCIS ELIS visit our Web site at or send us an email at

Representative e-Filing Steps

  • A case passcode is displayed after you enter the required information and e-sign a benefit request.
  • Provide that case passcode to your client/applicant. (Note: the passcode should be securely handled because it allows access to case information.)
  • Your client/applicant must log into his/her USCIS ELIS account and enter the case passcode when prompted.
  • Your client/applicant verifies the information on the case snapshot and selects “Begin E-Signature Process” or “Decline E-Signature.”
  • If your client/applicant completes the e-signature process, you will receive a notice stating the benefit request is complete and is ready for payment.


  • Log into your USCIS ELIS representative account and select the relevant case to begin the payment process. Your will then submit the benefit request.
  • If the applicant has declined to e-sign, you will receive a notice that the e-signature was declined.
  • Because your client/applicant cannot make changes directly in their benefit request, as the representative, you must make updates as needed. A new case passcode is not generated if the applicant’s email address remains unchanged.


Last updated:01/14/2013
