H Visa Services and Fees

Fee schedule for H-1 classification (all fees are payable by petitioning employer only checks)

Note: For governmental Requests For Evidence (RFEs), we charge extra based upon the complexity of the issue(s)



Legal Fees (for our Office):  
$1,600 payable at the commencement of the case (not including responses to Requests For Evidence)

  Self Petitioning H-1B cases:
$2,400 payable at the commencement of the case (not including responses to Requests for Evidence)

Filing Fees (to the USCIS, Form I-129, separate checks, made payable to the "Department of Homeland Security"):      

Regular processing:     For companies with 26 or more employees:  
                                      Paper Filing : $780
                                      Online Filing: $730

                                     For companies with 25 or less employees:
                                     Paper Filing : $460
                                     Online FIling: $460

                                     For non-profit companies: $460

Premium processing:   additional $2,805


Filing Fees (to the USCIS, Form I-129 H-1B Data Collection Supplement, made payable to the "Department of Homeland Security"):     

For a company with 26 or more employees, $1,500 

For a company with 25 or less employees, $750

For non-profits companies: $0


Fraud Prevention Fee (made payable to the "Department of Homeland Security") : $500


Asylum Fees:
For a company with 26 or more employees : $600
For a company with 25 or less employees : $300
For non-profit companies : $0


Federal Express Expenses:   appx. $100


If the beneficiary holds no US degrees, a credentials evaluation may be necessary.  The evaluators usually charge anywhere from $75 -$800 for education and experience.


For H-4 visas we charge an additional $300 legal fee for any number of applicants for clients who process their H-1 from our office.


1. The $500 Fraud prevention and detection fee will be applicable to:

a) All initial H-1 petitions;
b) Transfers from one employer to another; and
c) Change of Status to H-1

2. This additional fee of $1,500 and $750 is according to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005 that was enacted on Dec 8, 2004. This Act reinstitutes the ACWIA fee and raises it to $1,500 for companies with 26 or more employees, including any affiliate or subsidiary. Companies with 25 or less employees may submit a reduced fee of $750.

For details on the ACWIA Fee, see https://www.uscis.gov/forms/all-forms/h-and-l-filing-fees-for-form-i-129-petition-for-a-nonimmigrant-worker

3. If the H-1 is likely to be complicated, we do charge higher legal fees. Typically, $2,100 for cases with added difficulties.
4.  We charge the same for corporate or individual H-1 representation. 
5. We charge the same fees for new cases and extensions.

A CHECK FOR $4,000.00 MADE PAYABLE TO THE “Department Of Homeland Security”.



The fee schedule for H-3 classification (fees are payable by corporate checks) is as follows:

1. Legal fees (for our Office):  $2,200
2. Filing fee (to the USCIS) : $1,015
                                          $510 for small employers and nonprofits
3. Premium processing fee: $2,805


Fee schedule for H-4 classification (fees are payable by corporate checks)

1. Legal fees (for our Office):  For an independent H-4, $800 payable at the commencement of the case.
For an H-4 application being filed with an H-1 application, $300 payable at the commencement of the case.
2. Filing Fees (to the USCIS, Form I-539):   $470
4. Federal Express Expenses:   approx. $70


Fee schedule for H-4 EAD classification (fees are payable by corporate checks)


Legal fees (for our Office):  For an independent H-4 EAD, $800 payable at the commencement of the case.
For an H-4 EAD application being filed with an H-1 and H4 application, $600 payable at the commencement of the case.

NOTE: This legal fee does not include to responding to RFE's.  Additional fee would apply for RFE responses.

2. Filing Fees (to the USCIS, Form I-765):   $520
3. Federal Express Expenses:   approx. $50


Compliance Audits and Investigation for H-1

$600 per file - minimum 10 files
If you scan and send us ten of your H-1 files, we can audit them and tell you how they should be corrected/improved. You can then implement the improved procedures for all cases.  Note that these are oral discussions only.  We will charge higher amounts for written reports.

Note: For audits and all types of  investigations, please make a 15-minute appointment to assess your case.

Nonimmigrant Visas

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