Passport application experience

United States

I just returned from my trip and it was amazing. I wanted to share that my passport application experience was stress free. I made an appointment and took all of the documents they requested which included the travel itinerary or letter from my employer about my job related travel. I had both but they only used one and I also paid the expedited fee . My appointment was on Wednesday at 1:00 PM. I spent 45 min in total and was asked to return 11:30 AM Thursday to collect it. I collected my US passport on Thursday and left the country on Friday at 8:30 AM and returned last night. I am now going to submit my son's passport application regular processing because he is 17 and became a citizen automatically when I took my Oath. I also thought I had to apply for his naturalization certificate through a N-600 application first but that isn't necessary because he can get a passport without it. I am relieved that I can get his passport first because the N-600 application is another $600 bucks so that will wait.

For more details visit this link:…

Citizenship and Naturalization

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