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OFLC Stakeholder Notice Regarding Handling of Applications and Responses After Government Shutdown

OFLC appreciates the challenges the regulated community has experienced as a result of the lapse in appropriations, which resulted in the cessation of the operation of OFLC's electronic systems, and further resulted in a backlog of documents submitted to OFLC during that period by mail, hand-delivery, or email.

Tips for Foreign Nationals in the United States Impacted by Civil Unrest or Natural Disasters in Their Home Country

If  a foreign national in the United States who has been affected by civil unrest, a severe natural disaster or other extreme situation in your home country, the available options for which one may apply include:

ICE Memo - Clarification of Existing Practices Related to Certain Health Care Information

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 224, and the Social Security Act (SSA) require that individuals seeking coverage under a qualified health plan offered on a Health Insurance Marketplace or through an insurance affordability program (i.e., premium tax credits, cost sharing reductions, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, or Basic Health Program) provide information regarding their immigration status and certain information about their household members to determine eligibility for such coverage. This memorandum sets forth U.S.