Applications for USCIS’ Citizenship and Integration Grant Program for fiscal year 2016 are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on April 22, 2016.
On March 2, USCIS began accepting applications for two competitive grant opportunities for organizations that prepare permanent residents for naturalization and promote civic integration through increased knowledge of English, U.S. history and civics.
The first opportunity, Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services - DHS-16-CIS-010-002, is for public or nonprofit organizations that prepare permanent residents for citizenship by offering both citizenship instruction and naturalization application services.
The second opportunity, Citizenship Instruction - DHS-16-CIS-010-001, is limited to citizenship instruction only. It is intended to help nonprofit organizations in their efforts to establish new citizenship instruction programs or to expand the quality and reach of existing ones.
To download the application packages for these Notices of Funding Opportunity, please go to Search by the keywords “citizenship instruction,” by CFDA number 97.010, or by the funding opportunity numbers referenced above.
For more information about the grant program and how to apply, you can also visit or email the USCIS Office of Citizenship at