USCIS Guidance on Payment of N-400 Application Fee with a Credit Card

You may pay for your N-400, Application for Naturalization, using a credit card. There is no additional fee to pay with your credit card. The N-400 is the only form that can be paid for by credit card using the G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transaction

Acceptable Credit Cards

You may use Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You may also use gift cards with Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover logos.

If you choose to pay with a credit or gift card, you must pay the entire fee using a single card. Please ensure the credit card or gift card has enough money to cover the fee. We will reject your application if the card is declined.

How to Pay with Credit Card

  1. Complete form G-1450.
  2. Place it on top of your N-400 application.
  3. Mail your application package to the correct address listed on the Form N-400 Web page.

After USCIS receives your properly completed application package, we will:

  • Charge your card for the filing and biometric services fee.
    • You will see a charge from ‘USCIS N400 Paym’ on your card statement.
  • Destroy your Form G-1450 after processing your payment, regardless if your application is accepted or rejected.

Always review all form instructions carefully before submitting an application package. For more information on the filing fee and biometric services fee, review the What is the Filing Fee section of the Form N-400 instructions.

Multiple/Combined Applications

You must pay for each application using a single payment method. Do not combine methods of payment. If paying by credit card, you must submit one Form G-1450 with each application you submit. We will reject your entire package if you submit:

  • One Form G-1450 with multiple applications.
  • A split payment method (paying by check and credit card) for the same application.
  • A mix of money orders, checks and credit card authorizations together for multiple applications.

Examples of how to properly submit and pay for your application:

If you submit And wish to pay with Then you must
1 application A credit card Pay the entire fee for that application using one Form G-1450
3 applications A credit card Submit 3 separate G-1450s, one for each application
5 applications
  • A credit card for 2 applications
  • A check for 3 applications

Submit 2 separate packages -

  • First package: 2 applications and  2 Form G-1450s
  • Second package: 3 applications and 3 checks


USCIS will use the Department of Treasury Collections Control Panel (CCP) service to process your payment. CCP is a web-based application that allows government agencies to process debit or credit card payments. You cannot pay the fee directly to

The U.S. Department of Treasury ensures that is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliant. PCI DSS is a set of requirements designed to ensure all companies processing, storing, or transmitting credit card information maintain a secure environment. 

USCIS will destroy your Form G-1450, regardless if your application is accepted or rejected.

Third-Party Payments

Other individuals are allowed to pay for your Form N-400. That person needs to complete Form G-1450 and provide it to you to submit with your application. We will reject your application if Form G-1450 is not signed and dated by the person who paid for you.

Declined Credit Cards

If your credit card is declined, we will not attempt to process the credit card payment again, and will reject your application for lack of payment.

Rejection Notices

If your Form N-400 is deficient, we will:

  • Destroy your Form G-1450.
  • Send you a notice explaining the Form N-400 deficiencies and how you can correct them.

Follow the instructions in the rejection notice and submit a new G-1450 along with your corrected Form N-400 application.

Avoid Immigration Scams

Many people offer help with immigration services. Unfortunately, not all are authorized to do so. While many of these unauthorized practitioners mean well, all too many of them are out to rip you off. This is against the law and may be considered an immigration services scam.

Remember, forms are always free at


Citizenship and Naturalization

Immigration Law