Guestbook Entry for Paresh Randeria, United States

Guestbook Entry for Paresh Randeria, United States

Paresh Randeria
United States

I got my GC approval on July 11 after a Interview at LOCAL INS Baltimore. Thanks to Rajiv and his team. I do not want to mention any of the staff members name as all the staff was prompt (Very important to me) and were extremely helpful. I really appreciate them answering all my questions patiently throughout the case. Like most of Desis, I was also asking same questions again and again in different ways but his staff were always patiently answer all my questions politely. I always got replies to all my (Phone/Email/Fax) inquiry within 24 hours. Rajiv also gave me his Cell Phone number on the day I was going for Interview which gave me feeling that he is with me for the Interview.

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