Guestbook Entry for Susan Dane, United States

Guestbook Entry for Susan Dane, United States

Susan Dane
United States
Many Thanks & Personal recommendation of Rajiv Khanna

The generosity of this man astounds me.  Rajiv Khanna  not only thoroughly knowledgeable, but he is always able to convey the law in terms that you can grasp.  With some lawyers, you walk away thinking how smart THEY are.  With Mr. Khanna, you finish the conference thinking that your problem is not as big as you thought and the law not as complicated as you thought prior to the call.  His entire spirit is to help people and this comes through in every conversation.   We found Mr. Khanna on line while in the midst of a sticky situation re: my husband's Green Card about two years ago.  He was a Godsend.  His knowledge, advice and reassurance were invaluable.  We recently turned to him re: the possibility of foreign investors for our new business, and an immigration question re: a friend of mine.  He never fails to come through. I highly recommend Mr. Khanna not just for his amazing breadth of knowledge, but for his personal caring and kindness.

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