Guestbook Entry for Kanchana Govindan, United States

Guestbook Entry for Kanchana Govindan, United States

Kanchana Govindan
United States

A great big heartfelt thanks to the Law Offices of Rajiv Khanna. After much waiting I finally got my green card approved. It has been an excruciating 3 year wait since I filed my I485 and during these years every time I had a doubt with what I can or cannot do and with any travel related questions, I have had great support from the Law Office. A special thanks to Mathew Chacko and Prerna , whom I have been in touch with primarily over the past years. Mr Mathew Chacko's speedy response amidst his busy schedule is commendable and much appreciated. A big heartfelt thanks again and I am sure I will only think of this law office for all my legal needs. 

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