Guestbook Entry for Shashank Reddy G, United States

Guestbook Entry for Shashank Reddy G, United States

Shashank Reddy G
United States

I have known Mr. Rajiv S Khanna for over 5 years as my attorney. He is dedicated, enthusiastic, and hard working person in his profession. He is courteous and professional in his career. He has a great depth of knowledge in immigration. He understands even the complex cases so easily and gets to them very strategically. He has done an excellent job to my friends cases and we had a wonderful experience the way he worked on our cases. He also helps public by arranging community conference calls to help people at large.

His law firm has professionals working for him in professionally and courteously.

I give 5/5 to him. I absolutely recommend him for any immigration related legal cases. I consider him and his firm the best.

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