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Rajiv's Comments in the News - US plans to tighten norms for employee transfers

Published by : Times of India - Article by: Lubna Kably  - Date: November 22, 2019  

Quotes and Excerpts from Rajiv in the article:

Rajiv Khanna, Managing Partner at told TOI, “For L-1B, under the statute, the beneficiary (proposed visa holder) is deemed to have specialised knowledge if he or she has ‘special’ knowledge of the company’s product and its application in international markets. An ‘advanced’ knowledge of the processes and procedures of the company also qualify.”

USCIS Issues Guidance on Adjustment of Status by Aliens Whose Conditional Permanent Residence Has Been Terminated

USCIS  issued a policy guidance (PDF, 382 KB) explaining how USCIS applies Matter of Stockwell and clarifying when USCIS may adjust the status of an alien whose Conditional Permanent Resident (CPR) status has been terminated.

USCIS Implements $10 Fee for H-1B Visa Registration

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced a final rule that will require a $10 non-refundable fee for each H-1B registration submitted by petitioning employers, once it implements the electronic registration system. The registration fee is part of an agency-wide effort to modernize and more efficiently process applications to live or work in the United States.

USCIS Assists in Case Where Federal Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer and Accountant in Visa Fraud Scheme to Obtain LPR Status for South Korean Nationals

LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury has indicted two men in a scheme to obtain lawful permanent resident status for South Korean nationals by submitting fraudulent visa applications that falsely claimed American businesses wanted to hire skilled foreign workers.