U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Earlier known as INS. USCIS is responsible for providing immigration benefits to applicants. Homepage

USCIS Publishes FAQs on Entrepreneurs And EB-2 Visa

Questions and Answers

Q1. Where can I find the laws governing the Employment Based Second Preference (EB-2) Immigrant Visa Category?
A1. The statutory requirements may be found in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) at Section 203(b)(2).  The regulatory requirements may be found in the Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR) at section 204.5(k).

USCIS Centralizes Filing of Form I-130

WASHINGTON - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that effective Aug. 15, 2011, petitioners residing in countries without USCIS offices will be able to file a Petition for an Alien Relative (Form I-130), with the USCIS Chicago Lockbox facility. This will increase the efficiency of the relative petition filing process and give USCIS more flexibility in managing its workload. Previous regulations permitted these petitioners, who comprise about 5 percent of all I-130 petitioners, to file with USCIS or the U.S.

USCIS Data on Victims of Trafficking I-914 (T) in Person and Victims of Crime I-918 (U)

I-914 (T) and I-918 (U) Visa Statistics

This report contains information on the Victims of Trafficking (T visa) applications and the Victims of Crime (U visa) petitions.  The number of receipts, approvals, denials, and pending cases are displayed by fiscal year and by office.