Became A Citizen yesterday

United States

I am happy to share the good news with all of you that my wife and I became citizen's yesterday. The process was very easy. We had interview appointments at 10:05 am and were called in before 10:15. The interview lasted 5 mins and the officer did not look at any documents I took. I spent last two weeks trying to collect all kinds of documents mentioned on another thread. Anyway here is my timeline:

RD: 3/08/2006
FP: 4/18/2006
Interview/Oath: 5/24/2006

They could not schedule me for the 11:00am oath. I got it for the 2:00pm oath. I know that yesterday (Wednesday) there were only two oaths. I am not quite sure of the other days. Good luck to all of you and WAY TO GO Atlanta/TSC for the superfast processing.

Citizenship and Naturalization

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