Hi Everyone,It's been a while, but I felt the need to share my naturalization time line and interview experience. My recipet notice was received and/or dated approximately May 16th 2012 and I received a preliminary interview notice letter advising that I should bring to my interview my state issued ID card and certified copies of my arrest. I am not sure when I received the actual interview letter, but maybe three weeks before my interview date which was sceduled for June 21st, 2012 at 3opm at Federal Plaza.
I have been a green card holder for approximately 5 years through marriage. Although I did not have to file for citizenship based on the marriage criteria, I did.
My main concern for the interview process was the fact that I was arrested in 2007 for crimes I did not commit, for which I ended up pleading guilty to disorderly conduct on the advise of my lawyer. I did include a personalre-count of the arrest, explaining exactly what happened and why I felt I was wrongfully arrested and my decision to plead guilty to a disorderly conduct instead of continuing to pursue the case before the grand jury. I was very honest in my letter and expressed my desire to become a US citizen and that I would have never done anything to prevent that.
Moving on, My husband and I arrived approximately half an hour early. I waited maybe 30 to 40 mins before I was called in to the interview room. I swore in, then i was asked to show my green card and passport. He asked me the questions in the application form, to which I answered all the questions the same. He asked about the arrest and stated that he read my statement and the situation was unfortunate, and advised that I should not have taken the deal as I more than likely would have beaten the case.
We went on the the civics portion of the interview. My six questions were:
1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
2. Name three states that border New Mexico.
3. What is the name of the two political parities in the US?
4. What party is President Obama with?
5. Name three states that border Canada.
6. I can't remember, sorryI answered all questions correctly, and I was asked to write a sentence.
Basically he told me I was recommended for approval, however because of the arrest, his supervisor would have to approve my case, but he was 99.9% sure that I was approved as he was giving his recommendation. He asked me to wait for about an hour for my appointment letter for naturalization.
I was so excited. He asked for no documents pertaining to the arrest, my marrige, state ID, nothing, only the green card and passport.
We waited for about 2.5 to 3 hours before I received my letter for the swearing in ceremony. The date was set for October 17th, unfortunately that was the day after Hurricane Sandy, so my husband went down to the court house the following day on the 18th to find out abour re-scheduling and they told him I had to bring the notice personally. I went on the 19th and was informed that the re-scheduling would be done automactically. On Saturday 10th November I received a notice to appear at 225 Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn NY for the naturalization ceremony for today Tuesday 13th, November.
It was such a long process. There was approximately 100 people there, they reviewed the notice as we had to fill out the back prior to coming to the ceremony advising if any change to our situation since the interview. We were also asked to sign the naturalization certificate and confirm that name, age, sex and date of birth were correct. After being there for about 3 hours, the judge finally came in, and we recited the Oath of Allegiance and the Pledge of Allegiance. Then it is official! I am a United States citizen.
This immigration process has been long and tiredsome and some what nerve racking at times, but this forum definitely helped. Thanks to Johnny Cash for advice so many years ago, my husband and all the honest unbiased immirgration officers. Thank you GOD! God Bless America and each and everyone of you!
United States
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