Citizenship Interview Story

United States

I had my interview today morning (2/6/2012) and I got "Congratulations, your application is recommended for approval." letter at the end . 

The lady was nice and friendly. Here is the flow of events:

She asked me to stand and swear that I will tell the truth. 
Right after I sworn in, she went over application and reviewed pretty much entire application. Few questions along the way but nothing major or didn't ask for any documents/proof. Also no corrections were needed so nothing major on that part except review and check marks.

After review, she went over English test as shown below:

Reading: When is Columbus Day?
Writing: Columbus Day is in October.

and Civic test questions as shown below: 

What does the President’s Cabinet do? How many justices are on the Supreme Court? Name one branch or part of the government We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? What did the Declaration of Independence do? If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? I answered all 6 right so she didn't go further.

I was in and out in about 10 minutes from interview room & in and out of USCIS building in about 60-75 minutes. It was nice overall experience. Now countdown starts for oath ceremony I think, it would take about 4-6 weeks based on Atlanta time lines. Good luck to all of you who are in line and waiting for next step. 

Citizenship and Naturalization

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