United States
Based on my Interview Experience. I was told any traffic tickets were less than $500 and didn't lead to be arrested or license suspend you don't have to include them. So I had 6 normal traffic tickets two of them were dismissed and the other four were no more than $180. So I didn't mention them on my application. Also I didn't have the court paper work. so I went to the county court and get certified letter that shows that I don't have any records and never been arrested. also I had renewed my driver license two weeks before my interview. During my interview when IO get to the question Have you ever been arrested, detained ,.......etc. I was clear with her about there is no arrests but there is traffic tickets. she asked me how old they are?. and if they were more than $500. she said OK and she wrote No arrests on that section of my application. then she went over to the next part..... My interview was very easy and quick and I think that's how it was for every person was with me in the waiting area because while I was waiting for my interview all persons finished their interview were waiting for their oath letter, and all of them were taking oath with me. What I mean that it's different from stat to another and from city to another. so please check with people experiences from your district to find out what to be concerned about>.
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