DV 2013 Kenyan selectees Experience

United States

Hello Guyz,
I don't know if I'm the only Nigerian on this thread but kudos to you Kenyan Guyz. you've been making the DV stuff easier with info... This thread is the best so far... God bless PAPASAN who created the thread and every contributor so far...

I faced the CO yesterday and here are the details...

I arrived with my family @ Victoria Island @ 6:10am (we were scheduled 7am)... we passed through the security and was later told to find a way to dispose every device using battery and other chemically induced stuffs such as powders, cameras, phones, oil, make-up kits etc and was instructed to open all envelops including medicals... and was passed in...


We were given a ticket with numbers which started with letter 'B' (B stands for immigrants while A stands for non-immigrants)... and was called according to numbers. firstly to pay, secondly to submit documents and lastly for interview proper...

Here's the interview:
CO: who won?
ME: I did
CO: Raise your hands and swear all the information you provided are true and genuine to the best of your knowledge.
Family: We did

He instructed us to do the fingerprints... myself and my wife did... my kid was just troubling the CO and he was playing with him all through.

CO: When did you finish your secondary school?
ME: Told him.
CO: What's your highest level of education...
ME: I told him... ( Mind you: All I did after my Secondary education was went to a computer school (vocational) where I got Certificate in Desktop Publishing)
CO: What do you do for a living?
ME: I'm a Graphic Designer
CO: Since when have you been designing Graphics
ME: 2002

Then he handed the paper containing the address for pick-up... told me it will take 5 working days... and that was all...

It's God's favor at work because this same guy scolded a lady for about 22mins before us... I never prayed to be interviewed by him. Unknown to me my wife was having the same thought as mine but he was the one that called us and God did it...

To GOD be the glory... Wishing every one facing the COs in the remaining months of the 2013 fiscal year a success and 2014 guyz, the LORD GOD OF HOST will work for you too...

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