SAIPAN, CNMI— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) reminds aliens living in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to apply for Advance Parole before traveling abroad if they do not otherwise have U.S. lawful permanent resident status or an appropriate U.S. visa (NOT a visa for “B” visitor admission only). Advance Parole is permission to re-enter the United States after traveling outside the United States, and allows people lawfully living and working in the CNMI during the period ending Nov. 27, 20111 to continue to do so when they return from foreign travel. It will also allow processing of a pending application for adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident to continue.
People living in the CNMI should do the following when submitting an application for Advance Parole:
The application for Advance Parole should include:
- Completed Form I-131 Application For Travel Document (see the "Forms" tab above)
- Completed Form G-325 Biographic Information
- $305.00 – check or money order, made out to the “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”
- 3 passport-style photos (2” x 2” front view.)
- Copy of UNEXPIRED entry permit / umbrella permit
- Copy of photo page of your valid passport
- A statement explaining why you will travel, including any relevant documentation including ticket, E-ticket, itinerary, medical letter, letter from employer, etc.
Please do not staple your check to the application, but attach check with a paper clip. Keep a copy for your files. Mail all of the above to:
Sirena Plaza, Suite 100
108 Hernan Cortez Avenue
If you have an emergency and must travel within the next 72 hours, you may make an InfoPass appointment at the USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) in Saipan through this site and submit the above package and a copy in person. If there are no appointments available in an emergency, please come to the ASC at TSL Plaza on Beach Road in Saipan with the above completed materials.
For those holding unexpired CNMI permits who have already left to a foreign destination and are in need of Advance Parole, you must mail your application package to USCIS in Washington, D.C at the address provided below. Please have someone advise the USCIS office in Saipan at that you have mailed this application so that we can track it.
Attn: Chief, International Operations Division
(Advance Parole – CNMI)
20 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Room 3300
Washington, D.C. 20529-2100
Travel outside of the United States without Advance Parole may have severe consequences for some people who are now lawfully present in the CNMI; they may be unable to return to live and work in the CNMI after their travel. Without a grant of Advance Parole or other travel documentation that is acceptable under U.S. immigration law, they will be denied boarding by airlines flying to the CNMI even with a ticket for the flight. People in the process of adjusting their status to U.S. lawful permanent resident should also get Advance Parole or they may be unable to return to the United States and their applications may be denied. Note that if you filed a Form I-485 application to adjust status on or after July 30, 2007, you are not required to pay an additional fee to file the Form I-131 application for Advance Parole, if you did not file the Form I-131 concurrently with the Form I-485 already as is permitted. If you file a later application for Advance Parole as a pending Form I-485 applicant, you should submit a copy of the Form I-797C Notice of Action receipt as evidence of your filing of the Form I-485.
Aliens who have accrued more than 180 days unlawful presence in the United States should carefully consider whether they should travel abroad even with a grant of Advance Parole, as such travel may render the alien ineligible under section 212(a)(9) of the Immigration and Nationality Act for adjustment of status or other future immigration benefits for up to 10 years. Please read CAREFULLY the Travel Warning Regarding Unlawful Presence provided on page 3 of the Instructions to the Form I-131. Unlawful presence for purposes of section 212(a)(9) does not include any time spent in the CNMI before Nov. 28, 2009 under any circumstances, but it does include any periods of unlawful presence accrued in the CNMI on or after that date and any periods of unlawful presence elsewhere in the United States at any time.Form I-131 Application For Travel Document and Form G-325 Biographic Information are available on-line on this site; by mail through USCIS Customer Service at 1-800-375-5283; or at the USCIS office at TSL Plaza in Saipan.