Chennai Consular Fees - Important Notice on Blanket L-1 fee

Effective Monday December 21, 2015, per the Fiscal Year 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, the U.S. Consulate in Chennai will begin collecting an additional (U.S. dollar) $4,500 per application for all new Blanket L-1 applications.

These additional fees apply to petitioners with more than 50 employees in the United States and with more than 50 percent of those employees in H-1B or L status. If the petitioner is subject to the fee, answering "yes" to both questions on part 1A of the I-129S, the applicant will need to pay the additional $4,500 at the time of interview (in the form of an Indian Rupee-equivalent demand draft). L-2 derivative applicants are not subject to the fee.

This fee is in addition to the $500 Fraud Detection and Prevention fee and the $190 MRV fee.  

The consular exchange rate will change to INR 68 equal to one USD, effective from September 01, 2015.    

The NIV fees have been changed as follows:    

Nonimmigrant Visa Fees 

U.S. Dollars  

INR (@ Rs.68/- per USD)  

Tourists, Business and Exchange Visitors, Students, Crew members: B1/B2  C1  D1  F1 / F2  
J1/J2  M1/M2    

Pay SEVIS fee here  




Rs. 10880/-

Temporary Employment: H1-B  L1/L2 
O-1/O-2/O-3  P1/P2/P3  R1/R2 


Rs. 12920/- 

Service Charge: Applies to all Nonimmigrant visa applications 


L1 Blanket Visa Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee  What's this? 


Rs. 34000/- 

9-11 Response and Biometric Entry-Exit Fee



As the SEVIS fee is paid only by credit card, prevailing bank rates will determine the Rupee equivalent amount. 

For more information please visit the Chennai Consulate link:

Nonimmigrant Visas