USCIS is automatically extending the validity of certain EADs issued under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for El Salvador for an additional 6 months. On July 8, 2016, DHS announced, the extension of the designation of El Salvador for TPS for a period of 18 months. With that extension, DHS also automatically extended the validity of EADs issued under TPS El Salvador for 6 months, through March 9, 2017. To avoid gaps in work authorization, USCIS is now automatically extending the validity of those EADs for an additional 6 months, through September 9, 2017.
If you currently have an EAD that was issued under the TPS designation for El Salvador and has a September 9, 2016 expiration date printed on the front of the card, your EAD will now expire on September 9, 2017. To prove that you are authorized to continue working legally, you may show the following documentation to your employer and government agencies:
.Your TPS-related EAD; and
.A copy of Federal Register notice announcing this automatic extension.
For more details, please see the Federal Register notice that was published today.