Rejection of Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Applications (Form I-601A)

Since March 4, 2013, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has been accepting applications for Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers (Form I-601A).  USCIS, however, rejected many of these applications because customers did not provide proof that the required Immigrant Visa Application Fee was paid to the U.S. Department of State (DOS).

REMINDER: USCIS cannot accept a Form I-601A unless it includes evidence that the applicant paid the Immigrant Visa Application Fee to DOS.

Please make sure you:

  • Pay the Immigrant Visa Application Fee to DOS before you apply for a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver (Form I-601A)
  • Send the DOS Immigrant Visa Application Fee receipt that proves you paid the fee along with your I-601A application; and
  • Make sure the receipt you send is the official, DOS-issued receipt with the National Visa Center Case Number clearly visible. Other types of receipts, such as money order receipts, cannot be accepted.

If you fail to submit the DOS-issued fee receipt as evidence of payment, USCIS will reject your provisional unlawful presence waiver.

Be sure to provide USCIS with the DOS-issued receipt for this payment. Information on how to obtain your immigrant visa fee receipt is available on the DOS website at

For more information from USCIS on submitting an Application for a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver, visit the website at


Immigration Law