Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative
- Purpose of Form :
- To provide notice that an attorney or accredited representative of a religious, charitable, social service or similar organization will appear before U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of a person involved in a matter before USCIS.
- Number of Pages :
- 3
- Edition Date :
- 04/22/09. Previous editions not accepted.
- Where to File :
With the application or petition being submitted.
- Filing Fee :
- $0.00
- Special Instructions :
This version of the G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative, is a fillable form. You should install Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 to make best use of the fillable features of this form.
Although Form G-28 contains an ‘N’ designation indicating that previous versions will not be accepted, USCIS has decided to extend the grace period for accepting previous versions of Form G-28 while the agency further refines the form. USCIS expects to complete that process soon. In the interim, USCIS will not reject filings accompanied by older versions of the form until further notice.