This page allows the public to access the latest quarterly and annual disclosure data in easily accessible formats for the purpose of performing in-depth longitudinal research and analysis. OFLC case disclosure data are available for download on a Federal Fiscal Year cycle covering the October 1 through September 30 period in Microsoft Access (mdb) file format. Select data fields for each case record are extracted from foreign labor certification application tables within OFLC case management systems based on the most recent date a determination decision was issued. Each data set is cumulative, containing unique records identified by the applicable OFLC case number, and any noticeable typographical or other data anomalies may be due to internal data entry or other external customer errors in completing the application form.
Important Notice: Employer-specific case information that appears on was provided to ETA by employers who submitted foreign labor certification applications. These are not employer responses to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Employment Statistics (BLS-OES) survey. The BLS-OES program provides estimates used to assist in setting the wage levels in the FLC wage library. However, the BLS does not provide ETA with the wage rates reported to BLS by individual businesses. The identity of respondents and the information that they report to BLS is kept in strict confidence in accordance with BLS Data Integrity Guidelines and with the Confidentiality Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act (CIPSEA) of 2002.
Latest Quarterly Updates
Beginning October 1, 2010 (FY 2011), OFLC is posting cumulative quarterly case disclosure data covering the permanent and temporary labor certification programs as well as the new prevailing wage program.
The following case disclosure files cover determination decisions issued between January 1 and March 31, 2011. A small percentage of determination decisions are subject to change in subsequent quarterly releases due to appeal or redetermination decisions on employer applications.
OFLC Program | FY 2011 Disclosure File | File Structure |
PERM | PERM_Case_Data_FY11Q2.mdb | PERM_Record_Layout_FY11.doc |
H-2A | H-2A_Case_Data_FY11Q2.mdb | H-2A_Record_Layout_FY11.doc |
H-2B | H-2B_Case_Data_FY11Q2.mdb | H-2B_Record_Layout_FY11.doc |
H-1B | H-1B_Case_Data_FY11Q2.mdb | H-1B_Record_Layout_FY11.doc |
Prevailing Wage | PW_Case_Data_FY11Q2.mdb | PW_Record_Layout_FY11.doc |
Historical Case Disclosure Data
Where available, OFLC program disclosure files for prior fiscal years are also available on our Foreign Labor Certification Data Center website at
PERM Program
Fiscal Year | Disclosure File | File Structure |
2010 | PERM_Case_Data_FY2010.mdb | PERM_Record_Layout_FY10.doc |
2009 | PERM_Case_Data_FY2009.mdb | PERM_Record_Layout_FY09.doc |
2008 | PERM_Case_Data_FY2008.mdb | PERM_Record_Layout_FY08.doc |
H-2A Program
Fiscal Year | Disclosure File | File Structure |
2010 | H-2A_Case_Data_FY2010.mdb | H-2A_Record_Layout_FY10.doc |
2009 | H-2A_Case_Data_FY2009.mdb | H-2A_Record_Layout_FY09.doc |
2008 | H-2A_Case_Data_FY2008.mdb | H-2A_Record_Layout_FY08.doc |
H-2B Program
Fiscal Year | Disclosure File | File Structure |
2010 | H-2B_Case_Data_FY2010.mdb | H-2B_Record_Layout_FY10.doc |
2009 | H-2B_Case_Data_FY2009.mdb | H-2B_Record_Layout_FY09.doc |
2008 | H-2B_Case_Data_FY2008.mdb | H-2B_Record_Layout_FY08.doc |
H-1B Program
Fiscal Year | Disclosure File | File Structure |
2010 | H-1B_Case_Data_FY2010.mdb | H-1B_Record_Layout_FY10.doc |
2009 | H-1B_Case_Data_FY2009.mdb | H-1B_Record_Layout_FY09.doc |
2009(1) | H-1B Efile Case Data FY2009.mdb | H-1B Efile Record Layout FY09.doc |
2008 | H-1B_Case_Data_FY2008.mdb | H-1B_Record_Layout_FY08.doc |
Prevailing Wage Program
Fiscal Year | Disclosure File | File Structure |
2010(2) | PW_Case_Data_FY2010.mdb | PW_Record_Layout_FY10.doc |
2009(3) | ||
2008(3) |
(1)In FY 2009 the iCert Visa Portal System replaced the H-1B Legacy System. Consequently, two FY 2009 H-1B data disclosure files were published-the "H-1B Case Data FY2009" file for applications processed through the iCERT Visa Portal System beginning on April 15, 2009 and the "H-1B Efile Case Data FY2009" file for applications processed through the H-1B Legacy System.
(2)Disclosure data includes prevailing wage determinations issued from the OFLC iCERT Visa Portal System between January 20 and September 30, 2010 when employers began electronic filing of requests for prevailing wage determinations.
(3)Prior to January 1, 2010, all prevailing wage determinations were received and processed by State Workforce Agencies. No national level electronic record data are available.