Assistant Secretary Anne C. Richard to Review Refugee Resettlement Programs in Ohio and Pennsylvania

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC
June 26, 2012

Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne C. Richard will travel from June 26-29, 2012, to Cleveland, Ohio and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to meet with resettled refugees, local and state government officials, resettlement agencies and other community members involved in the resettlement of refugees.

On June 27, Assistant Secretary Richard will consult with resettlement agencies and local service providers in Cleveland on a broad range of issues concerning resettled refugees. Since 2009, Cleveland has welcomed nearly 1,500 refugees from more than 20 countries.

During her visit to Pittsburgh, she will speak to members of the press prior to her meeting with the Pittsburgh City Council on June 28. The meeting is also open to members of the press. Since 2009, Pittsburgh has welcomed nearly 1,400 refugees from 13 countries.

On June 29, Assistant Secretary Richard will speak at a breakfast briefing of the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh on America’s Responsibility to Refugees: In the U.S. and Around the World.

For information about this visit or refugee resettlement, please contact PRM’s Public Affairs Advisor Deborah Sisbarro or (202) 453-9339.


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