Washington – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today announced that Global Entry members will now be issued a Global Entry version of the SENTRI card which allows expedited entry into the U.S. from Canada and Mexico using the NEXUS, SENTRI and Ready Lanes at land ports of entry.
The new card operates as a SENTRI card for Global Entry members. The Global Entry card is a Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI)-compliant, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology-enabled document that may be used by U.S. citizens when entering the U.S. through a land or sea port of entry from Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean.
Global Entry cardholders must follow all program rules for SENTRI including having their vehicle registered and inspected prior to driving it in the SENTRI lane. The cards do not allow access to NEXUS lanes for entry into Canada or NEXUS kiosks at Canadian preclearance airports.
Current Global Entry members, who do not have a NEXUS or SENTRI card, may request a new Global Entry version of the SENTRI card online by logging into their Global Online Enrollment System (GOES) account and paying a $15 fee that covers the cost of processing and mailing the card. For new applicants, the cost of the card will be included in the Global Entry application fee.
To access Global Entry kiosks at U.S. airports and preclearance facilities, members will continue using their passports or Lawful Permanent Resident cards.
For more information on Global Entry, please visit www.globalentry.gov and on SENTRI please visit www.sentri.gov.
Information about WHTI travel document requirements is available at www.getyouhome.gov.
A sample global entry card