USCIS Stakeholder Meeting to Discuss External Data Interface Standards (EDIS)

May 6, 2010

Meeting Invitation

TO:  USCIS National Stakeholders

FROM:  U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, Office of Public Engagement
SUBJECT: Meeting to Discuss External Data Interface Standards (EDIS)
USCIS E-Filing National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)-conformant Information Exchange Package Document (IEPD)

DATE:  May 19, 2010 @ 2:00pm EST
The USCIS Office of Public Engagement cordially invites you to the next collaboration session to discuss the USCIS E-Filing External Data Interface Standard (EDIS).  EDIS is a set of technical standards that enable a third party immigration practitioner’s system to securely transfer digital immigration benefit request data directly to USCIS.  This system-to-system interface will be a new electronic filing (E-filing) channel, and is intended to increase efficiency and improve the acceptance rate for immigration benefit requests.  EDIS is part of the Agency’s broader USCIS Transformation Program effort to create a more transparent, efficient and customer focused organization.  For background information on EDIS and notes from the first two collaboration sessions, please visit USCIS Notes from Previous Engagements.
As the target date for when draft specifications will be publicly available approaches, USCIS is beginning the construction of the EDIS Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD). The objectives for the next two EDIS Exchange collaboration sessions are to share the status and some technical details of key components of the EDIS IEPD, and to hear directly from potential users about issues or concerns with what is proposed. This insight will allow the Agency to learn about possible issues early in the development stage and bring awareness to alternative E-filing approaches. For more information on IEPD, please visit the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Website.

The topics to be discussed at the May session include the following:
• Update for Timeline of EDIS
• Artifacts of the EDIS IEPD
• Electronic Signatures
• Payment Processing
• Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding
• Status of Business Domain Model

Topics are tentative and may be subject to change.  Prior to the meeting, presentation materials will be distributed to registered attendees.  Please join us on:
Date: May 19, 2010 at 2:00pm
Location: 633 3rd Street, Washington, D.C.

There are two ways to attend this meeting:
1. In person – please provide your full name and the organization you represent to Courtney Winship, at or (202) 272-1273 by COB Monday, May 17th.  Be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow extra time to be processed through security and bring a photo I.D.
2. Via telephone – call-in information will be provided when you register.  Please provide your full name and the organization you represent to Courtney Winship, at by COB Monday, May 17th.

The next event is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday June 16th. Please forward this invitation to others you feel may be interested in USCIS E-Filing. We want to hear from you, and look forward to seeing you in May!
