Performing services in more than one work location

Question details

The employer who is going to sponsor my petition has told me that I will be working in more than one work location. Will USCIS see this as a problem?

The petitioner (your prospective employer) will need to submit a complete itinerary of services or engagements if you will be performing services in more than one work location. Furthermore, the petitioner must comply with Department of Labor regulations requiring that an LCA is filed specific to each work location for the beneficiary.

Notice of Intent to Deny and R-1 petition

Question details

If USCIS issues a Notice of Intent to Deny after the onsite inspection, is there any way that an R-1 petition can still be approved?

If an onsite inspection yields derogatory information not known to the petitioner, USCIS will issue a Notice of Intent to Deny the petition. The petitioner may submit additional documentation to rebut the derogatory evidence. In addition, if the petition is denied, the denial may be appealed to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office.

USCIS Issues Statistics On T and U visas for Fiscal Years 2002-2012

USCIS performance data containing information on the Victims of Trafficking (T visa) applications and the Victims of Crime (U visa) petitions. The number of receipts, approvals, denials, and pending cases are displayed by office for FY2002 to FY2012.

Please check the attachment to view T and U visa statistics.