I got my GC thru CP in a record 14 months. Rajiv's office needless to mention the names, has been very helpful throughout the process. Everybody did a great job throughout the process. Amel's services have been very helpful during CP process. I spoke to Rajiv on a lot of issues. It is easy to get in touch with him, not like other other lawyers. I thank Suman,Nimia,Leila,Fidelina,Amel and of course Rajiv for their cooperation throughout the process.
Hello everyone.
I am back and a PR finally (after 6 years of waiting!!)
Had my CP at NWD on April 18
I stayed at the Park Hotel in Delhi and went to Apollo hospital for my medical. Would recommend both the hotel & Hospital since they are very professional & prompt service.
I had sent my name check via email the night I arrived in NWD
At the interview they only asked three questions to me
Which co. do you work for?
what does you co. do
what do you do for your co?
I got my GC thru CP in a record 14 months. Rajiv's office needless to mention the names, has been very helpful throughout the process. Everybody did a great job throughout the process. Amel's services have been very helpful during CP process. I spoke to Rajiv on a lot of issues. It is easy to get in touch with him, not like other other lawyers. I thank Suman,Nimia,Leila,Fidelina,Amel and of course Rajiv for their cooperation throughout the process.