Awesome service. No problems at all. Case got approved in less than expected time.
The processing times has been updated for PERM and NPWC. Please check the links below.
The Atlanta NPC Team will implement the following plan to induct applications filed into Audit Review and tag cases for possible Supervised Recruitment. This version of the plan has identified 8 criterions that specify types of cases that will be targeted for Audit Review and tagged for possible Supervised Recruitment.
New Frequently Asked Question (FAQ). This FAQ addresses how an employer is to demonstrate that it notified and considered laid-off U.S. workers for the job opportunity listed on the ETA Form 9089. To read the FAQ, please click here and scroll to the PERM / Recruitment Report subheading
Hi ALL It took me sometime to write this comment, because it was hard to find the words to express my admiration and satisfaction with this winning Law office, especially my Case Team (Amrita and Seema). I come from a background that I had few failures with other offices; Needless to say, I lost both Money and Time. When I moved my case to this office, I thought it was a little more Money than I paid before. Also, the process seemed a little slow, because my Case Managers was very careful and cautious about every detail. They always said, we look at the long term implications, not to have you pass the PERM and fail in the next steps. Frankly, I felt bad sometimes because of the time spent to get everything perfect. Here come the surprise, when they finally submitted my case, I got approved within 72 Hours. it was obviously shocking unbelievable surprise. This result made appreciate they way the case was prepared and the time spent. That being said, this office worth every penny paid and more. I'm really impressed with my Case Managers (Amrita and Seema). Amrita, Seema, Thank you very much for all what you done. Looking forward to applying I140, I485 with your office. Everybody out there, forget about your law office you are using, go with, these people know what they are doing! Thanks all Emad Girgis