I am a US citizen now
Hello everybody!!!
Hello everybody!!!
Interview Experience at Centennial, CO
Reached the DO at 7:10 am My interview was scheduled for 08:45 the security guard said I’m too early to come back 8: 15 Am .After Pass through the security I had wait 30 minutes before my name was called by IO white guy around 50 very professional he asked me to raise my right hand and swore me in and then he asked me to lay out my GC RP and Driver license he start the civics test
1. What is the name of the national anthem?
The Star-Spangled Banner
2. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
Pacific (Ocean)
I had my interview at the Dallas DO today May 14th. It went very well. I was very nervous about my extensive travel over the past 5 years. I had some 800 odd days of travel that included trips to a lot of countries in the world. But none of my trips was over 6 months, the maximum trip length was 110 days. I was working for a US company as a contractor and did have a letter from the company for the reason for the numerous visits.
The service provided by Art Shiflet and Mathew Chacko from Mr.Khanna's office during my citizenship process was exceptional. They both provided me prompt answers to my inquiries, updated me with information as soon as they became available and were extremely knowledgeable . I would highly recommend Mr.Khanna's office for any sort of immigration cases