Interview today in Seattle. Arrived 8:10am was called in at 8:30 - really nice guy reviewed my file, asked me a couple questions about my name change.
Just want to share my experience.
Application sent: June 12 2012
Applied on my own, no lawyers.
Interview Experience:
My interview was scheduled at 7:45 am on April 5th in SF. Got there 15-20 minutes early and there were probably only 10-15 others in the waiting area at the time. At about 8:15 am, an officer came out and called me. The interview was a breeze - he went through my answers in the N-400 application, made me repeat all the Yes/No answers filled in in the form.
I owe this one to this forum. Went in for the interview today. Got sworn in.
6 Questions:
N-400 Average Cycle Time
This report provides the service-wide military naturalization average cycle times by month.
N-400 Performance Data
This report provides the number of Naturalizations N-400 Regular and Military Service. It includes office locations, receipts, approvals, denials and pending by fiscal year with current year-to-date figures.
Application Mailed: Sep. 30, 2008
Priority Date: Oct. 1, 2008
Finger Printing: Oct. 30, 2008
Interview: Jan 26, 2009.
I'm on the west coast (California):
Application Mailed: Sep, 2008
Finger Printing: Oct, 2008
Interview: Jan, 2009
Here are a few things worth mentioning:
- Dont take your cell phone with you. One of the offices(fingerprints) didn't allow them at all. The other office wouldn't let me take my cell phone in as it had a camera on it.
Take all your old passports (as well as your current one) that include entry into the U.S since getting your green card.
Following are my Dates:
Application Mailed: Sep, 2008
Priority Date: Sep, 2008
Finger Printing: Oct, 2008
Interview: Jan, 2009
My Interview was scheduled at 10:00 am today. Reached the location at around 9.35 am. Submitted the forms and were asked to wait for the name to be called.
They ran out of slots for the 10/30 oath about 7 people before me, so after that all of us got the N652 with "civics test/English passed" and "congratulations; it seems you are eligible...etc etc checked off, and when they handed it to to us they said our oath letters will be in the mail soon.