I might be getting married to a green card holder who has it since 5 years and is eligible to apply for a citizenship next june. If I get married to him now when will I be eligible to get a visa to join him in America? What sort of visa will help me be with him and when?
Once he is a Citizen, he can apply for a K-3 and/or green card for you. Each one of them takes different times, usually less than a year.
Quite a few of our community members have asked me about the basic laws governing adoptions. One of my colleagues has prepared brief write up for you.
I have adopted a daughter from India. Rajiv S. Khanna Law firm did I-800 for the adoption. Everybody was very helpful throughout the process specially Ms. Sheena Gill. She worked effortlessly on my case, finding an adoption agency to making calls to CBP. This process would not have been possible without Ms. Sheena’s hard work.