Update to Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document
USCIS recently updated the following USCIS form(s):
USCIS recently updated the following USCIS form(s):
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is updating policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to specify that every naturalization applicant must provide biometrics regardless of age, unless the applicant qualifies for a fingerprint waiver due to certain medical conditions.
USCIS fact sheet outlines general naturalization eligibility requirements and the list of documents often required during the naturalization interview.
USCIS recognizes the important sacrifices made by non-citizen members of the United States armed forces and their families, and is committed to processing their naturalization applications in a timely and efficient manner while providing exemplary customer service, maintaining the integrity of the immigration system, and the security of the process. Qualifying military service is generally in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and certain components of the National Guard and the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.