I am a US citizen now
Hello everybody!!!
Hello everybody!!!
Interview Experience at Centennial, CO
Reached the DO at 7:10 am My interview was scheduled for 08:45 the security guard said I’m too early to come back 8: 15 Am .After Pass through the security I had wait 30 minutes before my name was called by IO white guy around 50 very professional he asked me to raise my right hand and swore me in and then he asked me to lay out my GC RP and Driver license he start the civics test
1. What is the name of the national anthem?
The Star-Spangled Banner
2. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?
Pacific (Ocean)
Interview today in Seattle. Arrived 8:10am was called in at 8:30 - really nice guy reviewed my file, asked me a couple questions about my name change.
Just want to share my experience.
Application sent: June 12 2012
Applied on my own, no lawyers.
Interview Experience:
My interview was scheduled at 7:45 am on April 5th in SF. Got there 15-20 minutes early and there were probably only 10-15 others in the waiting area at the time. At about 8:15 am, an officer came out and called me. The interview was a breeze - he went through my answers in the N-400 application, made me repeat all the Yes/No answers filled in in the form.
I owe this one to this forum. Went in for the interview today. Got sworn in.
6 Questions:
N-400 Average Cycle Time
This report provides the service-wide military naturalization average cycle times by month.
N-400 Performance Data
This report provides the number of Naturalizations N-400 Regular and Military Service. It includes office locations, receipts, approvals, denials and pending by fiscal year with current year-to-date figures.