B-2 visa
I'm a non-married Iranian citizen who’s my first-degree family members are US citizens, currently residing in USA. During last several years I've been rejected every time I requested for a US visa (both F and J).
Now, I am qualified to become a Canadian PR through the skilled-worker program. The visa is issued and I will be soon landing in Canada. I was wondering if my chances for getting a B-2 visa to visit my family will be any better once I'm a registered Canadian resident. Is it wise to ask for a visa once I get my PR card?
I think if you wait till you have a steady job and roots in Canada, and then apply to visit USA, you should have a better chance.
I can thank Mr Rajiv Khanna million times for what nature of practice his firm has. I still have an intangible immigrational problem in US, having business there and not able to go, son is suffering with illness but able to go, very confussed, looking all around for any kind of help. Most of the law firm wanted to get the money before even talking. But when we contacted Mr Khanna's firm, without creating any hurddles, confirmed my personal conference with him and guided me to right direction to try and given me hope to come back again. That was his incredible sevices ever any body can immagine.