Civics Test Answer Updates
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Applicants Can Now Request Certificates of Citizenship Online
How do I get a citizenship for my husband?
Read the instructions on Form N-400.
Some civics test answers will change due to recent elections.
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20: Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now? |
The answer to this question may change as of January 5, 2011, depending on where you live. Answers will vary. Give the name of one of your state’s U.S. Senators serving in the 112th Congress, which begins on January 5, 2011. |
USCIS is offering three competitive grant funding opportunities designed to help prepare permanent residents for citizenship and promote immigrant integration in the United States.
I have my green card since June 30, 2001 and stayed in the US till December 2003 before leaving for India to attend to my father diagnosed with cancer. I have since been residing in India, visiting the US every 6 months or so to maintain GC. My wife got her citizenship in 2006 since she stayed back here in the US. I would now like to consider applying for citizenship - what is the minimum duration I need to be physically present in the US before applying?
1.5 years out of the last three and you must move back to USA before applying.