USCIS and the Office of the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles are committed to strengthening immigrant integration efforts in Los Angeles through proactive citizenship awareness, education, and outreach activities.
The partnership between USCIS and the City of Los Angeles was first established in January 2010 when the two parties entered into a Letter of Agreement for a two-year period. Launched initially as a pilot project concluding in January 2012, USCIS and the City of Los Angeles renewed the agreement for an additional year in April 2012.
Well, interview was short and pleasant like everyone here experienced.
Officer went through the details in application under Oath.
Didn't ask for any docs.
Asked few simple history/civics Q's :
Who Signs bills into law
Where does Congress meet
( every question was from the list of 98 Q's online )
alright... then when it comes to english test, I warn you not to feel insulted when officer asks you read a simple sentence out loud. He/She is doing his/her job. You may feel insulted to read and write such a simple english sentence.
Citizenship Information and Resources Available for Local Immigrant Population
Released Sept.19, 2012
I finally had my oath ceremony today at Cadman Plaza US District Court, Brooklyn.
I had my interview today at 8:20AM. The interviewer called me in around 9:20AM.
He first went through the whole N-400 and asked me every question. It was like orally filling the form out. Then I told him about my traffic tickets. There were two - one in 2002 and the other in 2003. Both were speeding tickets (no DUI or anything like that). I had proof that both tickets were paid and kept the originals. He then asked to see my Selective Services card which I showed him. Then the english and history tests. I got all 10 questions correct.