Correcting Answers on a Submitted DS-160
The U.S. Embassy or Consulate where I went for my visa interview denied my application because my DS-160 contained errors or was incomplete. What does this mean and what do I need to do next?
The U.S. Embassy or Consulate where I went for my visa interview denied my application because my DS-160 contained errors or was incomplete. What does this mean and what do I need to do next?
After I have corrected or completed my DS-160 application, do I need to schedule a new appointment or return to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate?
Contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you applied for specific instructions.
Should I bring my entire application or just the confirmation page with me to the interview?
You are not required to bring your entire application. For your interview, you are required to bring your confirmation page with your application ID number on it so we can retrieve your DS-160. You must bring the confirmation page with you during all phases of the application process. Without the confirmation page, we may not be able to process your visa case.
I submitted my online DS-160 application, but lost my confirmation page. Can I print a new one?
Yes, you can reprint the confirmation page of an application that has already been submitted. In order to do so, go into the Consular Electronic Application Center website and select the Embassy or Consulate at which you are applying. Hit “Option C-Retrieve Application” on the Getting Started page and enter your application ID number. From there you will be able to view and print your confirmation page.
I am traveling with my family or as part of a group. Can I create a family or group application?
Yes. On the “Thank You” page you will see an option to create a family or group application. When you select this option, certain information from your application, such as destination, will automatically be imported to and displayed on a new application. Please note that if you use this option you must create an individual application for each family member or for each individual within the group.
If I use the option on the "Thank You" page to create a family or group application, can I modify the data automatically populated by the system?
Yes. If one of the dependents has a different surname or nationality, for example, you can alter that data before submitting the application.
I am applying for a Treaty Trader/Treaty Investor, E Visa. Do I need to fill out the DS-160 and the DS-156E?
It depends. If you are a Treaty Investor (E-2) applicant, you need only complete the DS-160. If you are a Treaty Trader (E-1) or an Executive/Manager/Essential Employee (E-1 or E-2), you must complete the DS-160, and you or your employer must complete the paper DS-156E form.
Are there any visa categories for which I should not fill out the DS-160?
Yes. If you are applying for a visa in any of the categories below, you should complete the DS-156, not the DS-160. You must also complete the DS-156K if you are applying for a K-1 visa. If required, you should also complete the DS-157 and DS-158.
Are all questions on the DS-160 mandatory?
When I apply for a nonimmigrant visa using the online DS-160, are additional forms required?
What happens to my DS-160 if I select a U.S. Embassy or Consulate where I will be applying for my visa, but end up making an interview appointment instead at another U.S. Embassy or Consulate?
I do not have a National Identification Number. How should I answer this question?
If you are a citizen of a country that does not issue national identification numbers, select “Does not apply.”
What do I enter for U.S. Social Security Number and/or U.S. Taxpayer ID Number?
Applicants, who have worked in the United States, as well as others, will have Social Security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers. If you do not have a Social Security number or a taxpayer identification number, select “Does not apply”.
The form asks for my home phone number, but I do not have one.
You should provide at least one contact phone number, so that the U.S. Embassy or Consulate can contact you by phone, if necessary. If you have provided a mobile or cell phone number, you may enter “Does not apply” for home phone number.
The form asks for my Passport Book Number, but I am not sure if I have one.
The form asks that I provide the name of a contact or organization and a phone number, but I am not visiting anyone in the United States.
If you do not know anyone personally in the United States, but you are traveling here to visit a particular store, company, or organization, you may provide the name of the store, company, or organization you intend to visit. Otherwise, you may select “Does not apply.”
The form asks if I am the principal applicant. What is a principal applicant?
If you, or your family, are applying for B-1, B-2, or B1/B2 visas, you are all considered principal applicants, and each of you should select that box.
Can a third party complete the form on my behalf? Who is exempt from signing the form?
Where can I find the DS-160?
Access the DS-160, by clicking: Consular Electronic Application Center website. We recommend that you use Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers to access the DS-160.
Can my answers be in my native language?
No. All answers must be in English, using English characters only, except when you are asked to provide your full name in your native alphabet. Applications submitted in any language other than English will be denied, and you may be required to submit a new application. While you must answer all questions in English, translations of questions are available in many languages from the drop-down menu in the right upper corner of the application. These translations should assist you in completing the form in English.