Guestbook Entry for Sudhir Malhotra, United States
Sudhir Malhotra
United States
What is consular processing?
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) offers an individual two primary paths to permanent resident status (a green card). An individual who is the beneficiary of an approved immigrant petition and has an immigrant visa number immediately available may apply at a U.S. Department of State consulate abroad for an immigrant visa in order to come to the United States and be admitted as a permanent resident.
Regarding my parents' immigrant Visa through consular processing at New Delhi I would like to thank the team at Atty Khanna's office. We filed in July 2009, and got it in May 2011. During the process there were many challenges, the department requested a few documents over and over again, and sent their papers to Lahore consulate (they were born in Lahore, undivided India). Each challenge was met and finally the got the permamnent Visa. I wish to thank Prernaji, Atty Chacko and the rest of the Team at Law offices of Rajiv S. Khanna. Without their support and guidance, it would not be possible for me to get this done on my own. Thanks again.