Civics Test Answer Updates
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Applicants Can Now Request Certificates of Citizenship Online
USCIS policy memo on the self-petitioning eligibility of a battered or abused stepparent or adoptive parent of a U.S.C., and the eligibility for VAWA relief after termination of a step-relationship.
Please check the attachment to read USCIS policy memo.
I am a US citizen turning 21 next month. Can I sponsor my dad to get a green card even if I am not holding his last name?
Yes you can. Having the same last name is not required.