Nonimmigrant waiver
I recently abandoned the US for Canada. I had been living in the US illegally for 15 years (since the age of 11). I got an opportunity to conduct biological research at the University of Alberta, AB, and Canada. I'm fully funded to live in Canada by the institution. Anyway, I would like to return to the US in 2013 for my 10 year high school reunion. I would like to know how likely I would be to get a tourist visa given my recent history. I have no intentions of staying in the US, just visiting. Am I automatically banned?
Look into a 212(d)(3) waiver, which should allow you an entry. Ask CBP at the border how much time they need to process the waiver (usually a few weeks).
I can thank Mr Rajiv Khanna million times for what nature of practice his firm has. I still have an intangible immigrational problem in US, having business there and not able to go, son is suffering with illness but able to go, very confussed, looking all around for any kind of help. Most of the law firm wanted to get the money before even talking. But when we contacted Mr Khanna's firm, without creating any hurddles, confirmed my personal conference with him and guided me to right direction to try and given me hope to come back again. That was his incredible sevices ever any body can immagine.