Update to Form N-565, Application for Replacement Naturalization/Citizenship Document
USCIS recently updated the following USCIS form(s):
USCIS recently updated the following USCIS form(s):
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is updating policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to specify that every naturalization applicant must provide biometrics regardless of age, unless the applicant qualifies for a fingerprint waiver due to certain medical conditions.
I attended the Naturalization Interview today June 10th at the Newark USCIS office. The officer went over application and asked a few questions.
And then, he went on to give the English, History and govt test. he asked me to write a simple sentence and then asked me about 6 questions, all of which were from the 96 questions on the USCIS web site.
After the interview, the officer handed me the N-652 form, which has the following boxes checked:
1. You have passed the tests of English and U.S History and Government.