Civics Test Answer Updates
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Are you preparing for the naturalization test? As you study for the U.S. history and government (civics) test, make sure that you know the most current answers to these questions.
Applicants Can Now Request Certificates of Citizenship Online
On February 4, 2014, USCIS published a revised Form N-400 (Rev. 9/13/13), Application for Naturalization. When you fill out your Form N-400, you must complete every section and answer every question as completely as you can.
On April 1, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, a competitive grant opportunity for public or non-profit organizations which promotes immigrant civic integration and prepares permanent residents for citizenship. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 16, 2014.