My H-1 6 years are about to be over. No way to extend per lawyers. Can I move to CPT?
This is tricky. Usually CPT in the first semester is looked upon with suspicion by USCIS, unless: 1. yours is a graduate program; 2. the practical training is integral to the academic program; and 3. the employer has signed a co-operative agreement with the school.
[Federal Register Volume 79, Number 167 (Thursday, August 28, 2014)] [Rules and Regulations] [Pages 51247-51254] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [] [FR Doc No: 2014-20516] DEPARTMENT OF STATE 22 CFR Part 22 [Public Notice: 8850] RIN 1400-AD47 Schedule of Fees for Consular Services, Department of State and Overseas Embassies and Consulates--Visa and Citizenship Services Fee Changes AGENCY: Department of State. ACTION: Interim final rule.