L Visa

USCIS Issues Final Memo on Implementation of Increased Fees for Certain H-1B and L-1 Petitions

This memorandum provides guidance regarding implementation of the provisions of Public Law 111-230 that increase certain H-1B and L-1 petition fees. The additional fee applies to petitioners that employ 50 or more employees in the United States with more than 50% of their employees in the United States in H-1B or L-1A or L-1B nonimmigrant status. Petitioners meeting those criteria must submit the additional fee with an H-1B or L-1 petition filed.

L-1 visa from an affiliate

Question details

I worked as Dept. Director at a Spanish Hotel from Jan 08-Jul 09. My employment was in the Hotel full-time, but was hired/paid through a consulting firm they employed (and still employ) to manage the operations of that department. I have now been offered a position (Dec 2010) in a similar Managerial/Director job within the Hotel's parent company in the USA but I have not got a US work permit, (I am Spanish). Can I qualify for the L1-blanket visa of the Company, based on my history with their consultant? Do I need to be employed by Hotel in Spain again prior to applying for the L1 visa?

Interesting situation. Not having researched this issue, I am guessing, the only way you can qualify for the L-1 is if you can establish that the hotel in Spain was your "true" employer in that they controlled you, even though your salary was paid by the consulting company.

Wife work permit

Question details

My company is giving me option of taking a L1 visa or H1B. My wife recently completed a 3 year Bachelors degree in Computer application from India. I want to make sure that she can work once we immigrate to US. Can you suggest what approach should we take? 1) Get myself H1 and then she does a MS from US.
2) Get a L1 visa and she can find a job in US with her 3 year degree.

Personally, I prefer the L-2 option for her. She can work AND go to school. More choices.

Parents B-2 Visa

Question details

My company has agreed to bring me and my wife to USA on L2 visa and then later get a H1 B visa. I want to make sure my parents have a B2 visa before I leave India. I have thought of two possible approaches:
a) Get a B2 visa for my parents but telling US consulate that I am traveling on business to USA and want my parent to visit the country. I used the same method for my wife 2 years back with no problems.
b) Get a L2/H1B visa for my self and then submit a request saying my parents want to visit the country for some time.

I dont see much difference in the two (as long as we are truthful with the consulate). Option b may be slightly better because you would already have the L/H visa.

L2 Visa holder

Question details

I am L2 visa holder and a physiotherapist from India. I also have SSN. Do I need to take the EAD or health care worker certificate to work in USA.Or simply credit evaluation and taking the licence is sufficient.

You need complete credentialing including a license.

Moving to USA on L-1

Question details

I am a British citizen with Canadian permenant residency. The US office of my company (I work out of the canadian office) wants me to move to the USA to work on a L1. My wife (canadian) and 2 children (canadian/british) would move with me.I am concerned about 2 things, the first being what happens if I leave the company or get laid off? It's a huge issue since we would have uprooted a good life in canada. Secondly I am not completely sure about the company. Its a new employer and they seem to be pressuring me to make the move. I am worried that they could simply lay me off whenever they want which would cause turmoil if we had to move back and start again.

I am not sure it is worth the risk, either. You have no right to continue to live in USA if the company fails or lays you off. You can negotiate a large severance package, but that is all the protection you can get.

Denial of an L-1A

Question details

I am going to India for my wedding, I plan to do my L1A stamping and get an L2 for my wife. Now suppose my L1A stamping is denied, what happenes to my existing L1b petition which is valid till 2011 Oct? Can I use that to file and L2 for my wife and return back to US?

Your current approval is not invalidated by denial of an L-1A. You can use it.