Oath ceremony schedule

United States

It's not over till it's over...but it sure is darn close!
So, had my interview today...and in sharp contrast to all the horror interview stories I read here, my interview was like from another world. Had the nicest, kindest elderly gentleman one could find, he referred to me as son a few times, and right upfront said that it will be over in a few minutes. Also said that I was lucky to find the easiest lot of civics questions (apparently they have a set of 10 and I got the easy one).

And what I thought would go on for at least 45-60 minutes ended in about 12-15 minutes tops. Easy six questions were:
What is the Supreme law...?
How many amendments does the constitution have?
Who makes federal laws?
The House of Rep has how many voting numbers?
What is the name of the Vice President...?
What is the highest court in the US?

Then we reviewed my N-400. He stopped at my 11 month absence and asked the reason. I gave a medical explanation and offered a copy of the Doctor's note (he didn't seem to be too interested in that but I gave it anyway). He was very friendly, was sharing his family stuff, and was very reassuring and made me feel very comfortable.

He even cracked a joke or two and I admired the man for his worthiness and made a few polite comments myself. I also had Tax Transcripts, none of which he offered to see nor did I volunteer. Nor did he ask for Lease papers from my rental period...All in all, no documents were asked. It was surreal to me, I was fretting on this for months and months and thinking of ways I would defend my long absence...a

Then, came the real shocker. At the end, he signed the document approving my application and turned around and said, how about you taking the oath at the end of this month? My jaw dropped, and I jumped up and said, sure...Then I had to wait about 1/2 hr to get the oath letter and I was out of there...

So, that was my very positive experience...of course, I give full credit to my Creator for his utmost mercy...

Citizenship and Naturalization

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