Reciprocity: What's New

The following chart shows the changes that have been made to the Country Reciprocity Tables since the last publication.

Also, additional items may have been added to the DOS homepage reflecting the various clearances that are required for some nationality groups, certain Presidential Proclamations affecting visa issuance, and the "Temporary Reciprocity Schedule" that is used for newly-independent countries, or when deemed necessary.

Date Area/Country of Change Change
08/17/2016 Russia Updated Marriage and Divorce Records information.
08/15/2016 Venezuela Updated Police Records information.
08/11/2016 Afghanistan Updated General Documents, Identity Card, Passports, Birth/Death/Burial, Marriage/Divorce information.
08/03/2016 South Korea Updated Police Records information.
07/29/2016 Russia Updated Visa Services for Moscow.
07/28/2016 Colombia Updated Police Records information.
07/19/2016 India Updated Police Records information.
07/12/2016 Honduras Updated Birth, Marriage, Divorce, Identity Card, and Police Records information.
07/12/2016 Russia Updated Russia Police Records information.
06/30/2016 Romania Removed duplicate Police Records information.
06/27/2016 Hong Kong-SAR Updates to Police Records information.
06/22/2016 Romania Updates to Police Records information.
06/21/2016 Singapore Updates to Police Records information.
06/14/2016 The Palestinian Authority (West Bank and Gaza), East Jerusalem Updates to General Documents; Birth, Death, Burial Certificates; Marriage, Divorce Certificates; Identity Cards; Police, Court, Prison Records; Visa Services.
06/14/2016 Fiji Updated police certificate information.
06/08/2016 Brazil Updated birth, death, marriage, divorce, police, court, prison records.
06/02/2016 Ecuador Updated marriage certificate name.
05/26/2016 Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tuvalu Updated documents information.
05/26/2016 Papua New Guinea Updated police records information.
05/21/2016 Poland Updated police records information.
05/05/2016 Latvia Updated documents information.
05/04/2016 Jamaica Updated marriage certificate information.
05/04/2016 Togo Updated document information.


Immigration Law