Providing the name of a contact or organization while completing DS-160

Question details

The form asks that I provide the name of a contact or organization and a phone number, but I am not visiting anyone in the United States.

If you do not know anyone personally in the United States, but you are traveling here to visit a particular store, company, or organization, you may provide the name of the store, company, or organization you intend to visit. Otherwise, you may select “Does not apply.”

Social Security number or a taxpayer identification number while completing DS-160

Question details

What do I enter for U.S. Social Security Number and/or U.S. Taxpayer ID Number?

Applicants, who have worked in the United States, as well as others, will have Social Security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers. If you do not have a Social Security number or a taxpayer identification number, select “Does not apply”.